With Thanksgiving on the way, I made a thankful tree for our family. I’d really like to help create a more thankful heart in my children. It took me about 15 minutes to make the tree out of brown card stock paper. I just free handed it. I also searched for a leaf outline on Google and printed it out on colored card stock.
Each day, my two older children will tell me something they are thankful for. We will write it on a leaf and then they each tape their thankful leaves onto our tree. They really seem to enjoy it. My hope is to spend more time talking to my children and help them to be mindful of all the things they have have to be thankful for.

When I asked my 3 year old boy to tell me what he was thankful for on our first day, he said he was thankful for our thankful tree. He made me smile.
More Thanksgiving Fun: